Awards and Funding
Ideas grant, NHMRC (CI) - Designing precision dietary therapies for inherited metabolic disorders through nutriphenomics
Letter of Commendation for Academic Excellence in the 4th year of the MD program, University of Notre Dame Australia
Letter of Commendation for Academic Excellence in the 3rd year of the MD program, University of Notre Dame Australia
Ideas grant, NHMRC (AI) - Preventing nephron deficit in premature offspring
Letter of Commendation for Academic Excellence in the 2nd year of the MD program, University of Notre Dame Australia
Project grant, HS and JC Anderson Charitable Trust (AI) Macronutrient effects of maternal and foetal pregnancy health
Letter of Commendation for Academic Excellence in the 1st year of the MD program, University of Notre Dame Australia
Finalist, Bioethics Oral Disputation, University of Notre Dame Australia
Ideas grant, NHMRC (AI) - Characterisation of erusiolin - a new peptide hormone
Fellowship, Robinson Fellowship (declined), University of Sydney
Award, Australia and New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS) Young Investigator Award
Fellowship, L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship
Award, Vice Chancellor's Awards for Excellence (Outstanding Early Career Research)
Award, Poster Pitch Prize, Nature Conference on Ageing, Health and Rejuvination
Project grant, Sydney Catalyst (CI)- Unravelling the metabolic link between host and breast cancer disease progression
Award, NSW Young Tall Poppy Science Award
Project grant, Australian Research Council Discovery Project (CI). A life-course approach to the nutrition-lifepsan-reproduction nexus.
Representative, University of Sydney representative for the Australian Academy of Sciences Early to Mid-Career Researchers Forum.
Fellowship, Sydney Research Accelerator (SOAR) Fellowship. Age-defying nutrition.
Project grant, Charles Perkins Centre Early to Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) seed funding (CI). Put down the protein shake: what BCAAs may be doing to your long-term health.
Award, Harvard University Mobility Scheme (Boston, MA USA). Hydrogen sulfide in ageing.
Travel grant, Ian Potter Foundation travel award (Les Diablerets, Switzerland). Ageing and latelife health: calories or macronutrients?
Finalist, Top 5 Under 40 program (Top 10 in Australia). Nutritional modelling of ageing.
Fellowship, NHMRC Early Career Fellowship
Award, Best Oral Presentation (Rank Prize Funds on Dietary Restriction and Ageing, United Kingdom). Defining the nutritional and metabolic context of FGF21 using the Geometric Framework.
Top 10 Research Articles and Reviews (Journal of Endocrinology). Macronutrients and caloric intake in health and longevity.
Paper published in Cell Metabolism in the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric. The Ratio of Macronutrients, Not Caloric Intake, Dictates Cardiometabolic Health, Aging, and Longevity in Ad Libitum-Fed Mice.
Award, Best Oral Presentation (Australian Society for Medical Research, Australia). The role of macronutrient balance on appetite, cardiometabolic health and ageing in a mouse model.
Award, Best Oral Presentation (11th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing, Australia). Macronutrient balance, metabolic health and ageing in mice.